Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is he attracted to me? 4 ways to know

There were signs and suggestions. There was just something in the way he looked at you whenever you are around. Somewhere deep down, you have the feeling that he is interested in you. But, how to be sure? A man will always leave tell-tale signs if they are attracted to a woman. So, you can stop asking people the question, 'Is he attracted to me?' Just, follow these steps and find out for yourself.
1) Seeing more of him
If a guy likes you, it's most likely that you will be seeing him more. A guy will always try to see the woman his interested in as many times as possible. This could be for any number of reasons. He could be, God forbid, a stalker who gets his kicks from following you to your car, trying to show you off to his friends, or, in most cases, just wants to have a look at your face before the day ends.
Try to find out from friends or people around you if he's staring at you for long periods of time. It's fun to catch him gaping at you, but try not to let him know that you know. It might scare him off.
2) His behavior
Most men will try to be their best around women, especially those that they are attracted to. If he's always nice whenever you're with him, don't jump to conclusions yet. Ask yourself first, 'Is he interested in me?' and observe him. His apparent kindness could be just the way he is around anybody, male or female.
Find out from his friends and acquaintances whether if he's always like the way he is around you. Of several things he does, you should pay attention to the actions he does for you, such as opening doors or pulling out chairs. In a conversation, watch how he participates. Does he listen and agree with most of your words? Or does he counter them with words of his own?
3) Appearance
This goes without saying, men and women will always want to look their best in front of the opposite sex. Looking good always makes a good first impression and it could be the catalyst to an attraction between two people. Although this doesn't apply to all men, they will constantly go for clothes that will accentuate their bodies. Not greatly but, just enough to attract a woman's eye.
Find out how he looks like when he's not around you and compare to how he looks like when you're with him. If he dresses better, puts on perfume and shaves every time he's with you, then you'll know the answer to the question, 'Is he attracted to me?'
If you're not sure, here is a fun little test you can do. Tell him you like a shirt he's wearing when you're meeting him. If he's really into you, he'll wear it again whenever he's meeting you. If you really want to make sure, buy him a really hideous shirt and see whether he wears it.
4) Subtle hints
There is a dictionary's worth of sentences guys use to ask girls to go on a date. They could be said in a nonchalant manner, expressed confidently or blurted out nervously. How they ask you out depends totally on the guy. But, sometimes the signals don't get picked up by the women and this will really blow the chances of him asking you out again.
So, what you need to do is to pick out certain words he says and how he says it. If he keeps going on about an event during the weekend, that means he wants to go to it with you. If he invites a group of friends to a movie via text message and personally called you; that means his main intention was to ask you out on a date but got scared and called up friends for security.
So, there you have it! Those are the ways to know if men are interested in you. The next time you ask the question, 'Is he attracted to me?' don't dread the answer. For all you know, he might be asking himself the same question
Finally, let me ask you..
Would you like to learn how to captivate a man with your sharp wits and your kind heart... and never have to worry about just being wanted for sex again?
Would you love to have a man in your life who is fully committed to you, a man who treats you special, gives you comfort and security... and simply asks you how your day was? Or..
Were you in a relationship that has ended or is in shambles and you want to repair things?
If you answered, "YES" to any of these questions, I have some exciting news for you! Recently, I've discovered what I like to think of as a "man manual" that literally ANY woman can use to help her both CATCH and KEEP that great guy when he comes along. Just go to Catch And Keep Him to learn The Secrets That Most Women Will Never Know About Meeting And Keeping Great Men!
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why relationships break up

The number one key issue to consider on why relationships break up is starvation and neglect seeing the moment you stop feeding your relationship it begins to wither and eventually dies off.
Think of your relationship as a young plant that is newly budding- it requires the right amount of sunshine, nutrients (food) from the soil, air from the atmosphere, time and effort (work) to bring it to maturity.
In pretty much the same way, starting a relationship, feeding and nurturing it requires your input, contributions, investments of time, effort and attention for it to be long lasting.
Right from the moment that you decide to start off a relationship, you will need to consider how well and how best the options and prospects you stand to gain as well as what is in it for any other party involved/concerned too.
There is no relationship that succeeded yet on the sole effort of a single individual. Rather, both individuals involved in that relationship must make out time to equally invest (contribute and endeavor to add value from time to time) in it.
Building a lasting relationship requires work.
As an individual, you must have realized that life in general is about relationship- the sun, moon, stars and the sky all have a relationship with each other; plants, vegetation, soil and animals in the wild all co-exist in a relationship; the wind, seas and ocean floor creatures have a relationship of their own; man, woman and all the forces of nature as a whole have a relationship that will continue to exist as well as last aeon of years to come.
Suffice to note that relationship forms the bedrock of existence on earth (this holds true for animate and inanimate things alike).
A relationship is a give and take arrangement of sort- both parties involved must learn to strike a balance between their expectations and the efforts made to invest tangibly in the relationship.
Conceding on many occasions for a partner who is lackadaisical over the relationship will not work at all- this is so where it is only one of the two individuals involved that does either the giving or receiving.
Both parties involved from time to time must learn to switch (i.e. oscillate) between these dual roles of either receiving from the relationship or giving back to the relationship as occasion demands.
for additional information and resources, visit
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5 Tough questions to ask yourself in a relationship

OK. Here are a few quick 'n dirty questions. Where exactly does your relationship stand? If you are ready to be brutally honest, ask yourself these five tough questions.
1. Do you look at other relationships and feel you have settled?
This is the first big question you need to answer. Looking at other relationships and "wondering" or "longing" is not a good sign.
Why are you looking at other relationships?
Are you missing something is your relationship that you see in another one?
2. Do you really like and respect your partner?
This is crucial; without respect there is no substance.
And what about "liking" your partner? Do you find him interesting, and when she talks, do you want to listen to her?
In order to like and respect anyone, you have to ask yourself. "If I was not involved with this person, and met him on the street, would I like him?"
3. Do you want the same good things for your partner that you want for yourself?
This is real generosity of spirit.
Do you care as much for your partner's feelings as you do for you own?
4. Do you feel this is where you "belong"?
"Belonging" is the same as being "home".
It is being perfectly content where you are.
5. Ask yourself, if you could terminate the relationship without any inconvenience - financial or otherwise - would you?
We instinctively know that we will never again have the status quo once we terminate this relationship.
Are you brave enough to leave?
If you enjoyed what you just read and are interested in real relationships- connections that are both intimate and authentic- take a look at Chandra's books and CDs: and sign up for Chandra's FREE daily email "Cutting Through to THE REAL TRUTH":
In a national competition, Chandra was selected by THE OPRAH MAGAZINE as the Life Coach to deliver a series of coaching sessions to the grand prize winner of their prestigious Toyota Moving Forward contest. She also spent five years on NBC/TV "DAYTIME" giving a weekly "Reality Check". Chandra Alexander, MSW, has been living and teaching authenticity for the last 30 years.
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The first kiss- a simple guide

Kissing is one of the most intimate and sensuous experiences you can enjoy with another person. Unfortunately, a number of us feel anxious and unsure about how to kiss - especially if it is our first kiss.
Whether you are about to experience your first kiss ever or you want to improve your technique before your first kiss with your new partner, there are things you can do to be better prepared.
Avoid embarrassment - be kissable
It is imperative that you maintain good oral hygiene - both in general social situations, and when you are about to have your first kiss. Nobody likes bad breath. Avoid foods that may cause stinky breath like garlic or onion and carry some gum or mints to freshen your breath. Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly will help avoid "bad breath situations" in general and help improve your oral health.
Additionally, if your lips are dry or chaffed, try to use lip balm to moisten them up and make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your partner.
Be gentle
You should not go rushing in for a kiss, especially your first kiss. While more experienced couples embrace in passionate, all encompassing kisses - a first kiss requires finesse. Be gentle and watch for signals from your partner.
Rushing into a first kiss may result in bumping teeth which can be quite uncomfortable - chances of bumping your teeth will reduce as your lip coordination improves with experience.
Pay attention to signals
Try to look for signals from the other person that they are ready and willing to kiss you. Do they frequently touch you on the arm while talking to you? Are there lingering moments where you both look into each others eyes? Does he/she lick her lips on occasions while talking to you? Have you discussed kissing with them?
Approach for the kiss
Make a slow approach for the kiss while looking into the other person's eyes. Tilt your head slightly to avoid bumping noses. If appropriate you may use your hands to caress or guide your partner towards a kiss - gently - you don't want to force them into doing anything.
Look into your partner's eyes as your lips are about to touch and close your eyes when you lips make contact to heighten the intimate emotion you are about to experience.
Take your time
There are many different types of kisses - from gentle pecking to sensuous french kisses. A first kiss should be special, romantic and gentle. As your lips meet, touch your partner's lips with yours. Do not part them or try to slip them the tongue - simply pucker and kiss them lightly then part your lips and look into their eyes while smiling. Do not move your head away from theirs. If your partner does not move away you can lean in again and kiss them again, this time for longer.
Let your embrace and kiss guide you both - if your partner's lips part, let yours part too. Enjoy the moment and do not push the issue - a good kisser enjoys the kiss without pushing for more.
Shane Crawford writes for the dating, flirting and romance portal For more romantic advice visit
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How to tell if a girl likes you- learn the signs now

Women are confusing. This is a universal truth, and no matter where you'd happen to go, you're likely to encounter a group of men trying to answer woman-related questions. As complex as relationships are, finding ways to begin them can be even more difficult, which means that you're going to want to be armed with a set of useful techniques to show you how to tell if a girl likes you. We'll detail below what we think is one of the best ways to go about this so you can benefit from our experience and find out what it is you need to know.
There are a number of things that you probably already know, such as a smile in your direction, excessive flirting, and other attention grabbing strategies. While these may show you that she's interested, you might want to find just a little more evidence before you make what could potentially be a bad move. After all, there's nothing worse than losing out on a potentially good thing because you were ill-prepared to acquire it. Read on for some advice on how to use flowers to tell if a girl likes you.
-- How to use flowers to tell if a girl likes you
So you're looking for a solution to your problems, and that's exactly what we can provide. Flowers are just the answer that you're looking for! They are a simple gift that is easily acquired, and are very useful in this purpose. A good test is to pick out a bouquet or basket of fresh flowers that you think best suits the personality of your interest, and then present them to her. If you notice positive reactions, then you're pretty safe to assume she's interested. You might not start dating as a result, but there's definitely a better chance than without the flowers. How to tell if a girl likes you is much easier if you employ a strategy like this.
There are other combinations available to you, like flowers with a teddy bear and a card, which would be appropriate for Valentine's Day. If you have any questions about what would be best, feel free to ask the florist for assistance. Not only will they be able to help you select a great bouquet, but they may also have some insight into how to tell a girl likes you. Women love flowers, so you're sure to elicit positive feelings with such a gift, and that could be exactly what you need to bring one into your life.
About: Brant Florist has been owned and operated by The Bolt family since 1977. Doyle, Tim, Elaine and Ken Bolt treat every customer the way they would like to be treated. Staff are well trained, have years of experience and are always professional. The shop has been processing internet orders since 1996 with a computerized network to manage and record all orders. The shop was originally established in 1961 by Mr. and Mrs. Jones. That is over 45 years of successfully serving customers like you.
You can order your flowers online for world-wide delivery by visiting Brant Florists 24hr website at or learn more about flowers and other interesting floral facts at their specialty blog today!
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How to build the relationship of your dreams

Building the relationship of your dreams requires work. Work is one word an average individual sees or hears about and cringes away considering the mindset we have developed about it- sweat, grime, exertion, tiredness, time, etc.
Specific areas where work is needed in the relationship are as follows:
1. Affirm and appreciate your partner- this is so seeing that you are the first priority where your partner is concerned. You are not only special, you are also unique and any word of complement, appreciation, commendation and at times rebuke is well taken and equally treasured by your partner.
2. Share the glories and challenges faced together- going into a relationship among other things is primarily for intimacy. You get to be open, bare and vulnerable before your partner no matter the circumstance or occasion. Getting to share your glories and challenges not only creates room for discussion(s), it presents the opportunity for your partner share in your 'world' because he/she cares.
3. Go out on a date- taking your partner out on a date adds to the 'magic' of the moment. The two of you will get the opportunity to spend time in each other's company away from 'home' and distractions. This need not be expensive where either of you decides to make a purchase or payment for a good or service rendered (snacks, gift, movies, stroll, transport fare, cruise, etc) while out on your date.
4. Invest positively and creatively- a lot of individuals involved in a relationship make the mistake of not investing positively and creatively in it. Some only see and sit in judgement over their partner's shortcomings and faults whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Others have ended up with the assumption that they do not really need to do anything per se seeing the relationship (from their own perspective) is stable. In many instance, this state and frame of mind has caused many relationships having prospects to wither and die off somewhere along the journey.
Each individual 'having had or caught a glimpse of the partner's like and dislikes' needs to be proactive and strive to outdo one another (under a healthy atmosphere, of course) in good and ideal things that will enable the relationship to flourish to the delight of both parties concerned.
5. Develop yourself and be disciplined- There is one thing that life confronts you with at every turn of the moment and that is change. You cannot afford to remain stagnant. You must improve on yourself and strive to bring out the best to your nature and personality.
This not only boosts your self esteem making you feel good about yourself (not in a conceited manner anyway), it brings a reassurance and a comfort to your partner that you are also making effort to improve.
Being disciplined talks about feeling the need and making the effort to equally work at making your relationship succeed through the choices (this should be good and right ones please) you make from time to time and not leaving the entire responsibility to making your relationship work and succeed at the sole discretion of your partner.
6. Set Goals- You will need to set goals and focus on achieving them in order to be able to score and grade the level of your involvement and development in your relationship. Without goals or objectives, your relationship will lack a bearing/direction and over time will stagnate. Endeavor to set achievable goals and set time limits in which to assess your development and growth in your relationship.
Your relationship can only succeed when both of you make out time and take turns to invest and nurture it. Both parties involved should be encouraged to put into practice all these points shared on how to build the relationship of your dreams.
for additional information and resources, visit
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Flirting mistakes men and woman make

Flirting can be fun, but also scary if you do it wrong. You can get rejected in a heart beat if you do it wrong. To help eliminate nervousness and help increase your chances of correctly flirting, you must AVOID these flirting mistakes.
1. Male/Female Friend
A female or male friend can definitely help with dating since they KNOW what the opposite sex likes. If you have a female/male friend trying to help you land dates, the person you are trying to find can look down upon this. They may feel like you are too scared to try to find someone on your own or just to shy. Try not to overuse your female/male friend when trying to land your special someone.
2. Bragging
You definitely need to share your job, skills, etc... with that special female/male, but remember there is no reason to brag about it. You don't need to come out and state the obvious about your HUGE salary and your successful career. Women/men can see the clothes you were, the place you live in, and the car you drive to see how well you are off. There is no need to state the obvious because it can be a HUGE turn off for women/men. Bragging must be avoided. There are certain ways to tell men/women that you are well off, just don't do it in a bragging way.
3. Talk about Just Yourself
It is definitely a big turn off when woman/man does all the talking, especially about just THEMSELVES. Try to focus on listening instead of talking. If you notice you are doing all the talking, try to use something like, well you know all about me, let's find out more about you! Try to focus more on being a good listener than a speaker. The person will appreciate and like you much more!
4. Horrible Pick-up Lines
Pick-up lines are cute and great to maybe share with some close friends. They are not something you should use on a guy/girl when trying to land them. They just aren't effective and should NOT be used. If used the wrong way, it could cost you any chance that you may have had with that person. A woman may feel like they are like every other woman you talk to, using those lines over and over again. It's better to just be yourself and use pick up lines such as a simple "Hello". Smiling and saying hello is probably the best pick-up lines you could ever say.
If you can avoid these 4 common mistakes, you should have no problem flirting effectively with that special someone. Women/men love to flirt and be flirted with; you just have to be careful in the way you do it. In however you approach flirting, I wish you the very best of luck! Most people will get discouraged and give up when a woman or man gets rejected for flirting the wrong way. Don't let this be you! There are millions and millions of other fish in the sea.
Ready to learn flirting mistakes that you need to avoid? These secret methods are specific for men and have been proven to work! Go to now!
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Codependant partners- 5 signs you have codependant tendancies

Relationships are work for everyone, but in an unbalanced, unhealthy relationship where there is psychological abuse, addiction, or a personality disorder, the situation can make living with these conditions miserable. Depression is a common result. If you are the partner of an addict, abuser, or disordered individual, it is possible you may have "codependent" tendencies. Here are 5 signs that this may be a problem for you:
1. You find yourself saying things that start with the phrase "Well, at least he does/doesn't _______." This is a form of rationalization that allows you to stay in what you know is a fundamentally unhealthy situation. With this phrase, you are attempting to minimize the destructive behavior.
2. You feel the need to hide his behavior from friends, family, or others. In your mind, you must protect your partner from the reactions of others. You may also feel shame that you are sticking around and taking abuse or bad behavior from your partner.
3. You either take the consequences for his behavior on yourself, or help him or her avoid them altogether. If your partner is hungover, you call in sick to work for him or her. If your partner doesn't meet his or her obligations, you step in to complete the work.
4. It is more important to "keep the boat afloat" than to deal with the serious abuse or addiction issues your partner may have. The thought of life without this person is so unbearable that you will do anything (or nothing at all) to prevent his or her anger, or other negative reaction.
5. You believe that the other person needs you, and that if you leave your partner he or she will self destruct and be unable to go on without you. You feel more comfortable in the rescuer mode than in a relationship of equality where there is give and take from both parties.
Are you interested in addressing your depression from a holistic standpoint, assessing the physical, emotional, and relationship components?
For a free copy of my ebook, "Natural Methods To Fight Depression", click here:
Shannon Cook is a personal growth and relationship expert who has written a number of informative articles and ebooks on the topic of toxic relationships and holistic personal growth, including physical, emotional and relationship health.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

meeting miss/mr right

so... since this is a relationship help blog i figure it makes most sense to adress acheiving a meaningful relationship before going on to helping those in here goes...

1. so some people believe there is one person in this world that will match them perfectly... this is completely false! in actuallity there are many apon many of people in this world who you could compat with very easily, so look around, explore your options and look for that special attraction. dont limit yourself to just focusing on one, for by doing that you let countless others get away. i mean that person may even be the one, but i mean you definatly have a better chance of winning the lottery if you buy many tickets as apposed to just one.

2. dont let physical beauty blind you. dont just look for someone whome society has taught you to believe is beautiful, everyone is beautiful. this is extremely evident when you find one of the right people with a beautiful personality, because when you see their inner beauty they will always look that much more appealing and may change what you define as beauty. the people you want to associate with are those that make you forget completely that they even have a body sometimes because you are so intranced by there personality, no matter how they look.

3.have confidence in yourself. many people feel that they are unable to get have a chance with certain people, this is not how you should view yourself. never be afraid to engage another person, even if you think theres only 0.001% chance of gaging a positive response, thats an infinite times larger then the o% if you dont give it a chance at all.

4.listen. when engaging a person of interest dont do all of the talking, sure you should let them know about you but more importantly you should look for every oppertunity to listen and learn about said person, for this is how you identify possibly compatible parteners.

5.treat people like they are the most beautiful creatures in the world, because well, they are. everyone is beautiful and perfect to someone. dont waste peoples time by being with them for the sake of it, you should really want it, otherwise your hurting them by taking away valuable time at finding there real"solemate" so to speak.

there are many people out there whome you could call miss/mr right, alot are right infront of you, and i hope i have helped someone. if you have anything to add please leave comments... happy hunting

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winning Back an ex Girlfriend

Is winning back an ex girlfriend hopeless and impossible? It may or may not be, you can never really tell, so if you really want to get an ex back. There’s no harm in trying. At least you could say, you did try. Like they said, if it’s meant for you, it will come back to you.But waiting in vain can be difficult and if you are not the type who just waits for the moon to fall try these tips. And remember a second chance at love is way back sweeter. But before you do all these, you have to make sure you still have feelings for your ex and not just because you are lonely because it will show.
Consider these things first:
1. Reasons - What are the reasons you broke up? Is it something you did that she doesn’t like or is it because of someone else. If it’s because of someone else, that is tough and I believe not worth fixing over. But if not then make a reason for her to come back to you. Make her see that you are worth another try.
2. Attraction - There must still be an attraction between the two of you before this could work. If you know she is still attracted to you, then you have a good chance of winning her back. Work on those attraction but in a subtle way.
3. Compatibility - If you were compatible together, then this is good, it means your personality matches and you clash less and you have common things you both enjoy doing.
4. Method - How do you get an ex girlfriend back? Things that you should never do is to beg and plead for your ex girlfriend to come back. Don’t threaten your ex girlfriend like you are going to hurt yourself if she doesn’t come back. These are a big no-no. So you have to be careful on your methods on how to win your ex girlfriend back. Play up the good parts, your attraction, compatibility, what you know could be the reason of the break-up, change and improve on that.
5. Time - It can be difficult. But give your ex girlfriend some time. Don’t call or text her a hundred times a day just because you miss her and you are lonely. This could irritate your ex girlfriend and drive her away. Be subtly visible and let your ex girlfriend be aware that you are still there. She needs time to think.Get effective ways on winning your ex girlfriend back. Find more get ex back tips here: Tips to Win My Ex Girlfriend Back
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